After spending more than enough time in hotels this year, I found some more handy tips that I find myself using time and time again.
Here are five more hotel tips:
1. Utilize shower cap. If not for the shower then to wrap around your remote. I find myself watching a lot of Hotel Impossible on the Travel Channel and they are constantly swabbing different items around the hotel room and believe it or not, the remote control is one of the dirtiest things in the room. It’s safe to assume most hotels don’t spray the remote down during each cleaning.
2. Morning fruit. If you find yourself staying more than one night and the hotel and want to save a couple dollars on breakfast, consider grabbing a piece of fruit and eating that until you go to lunch. Recently I’ve been going to the gym in the mornings and I always make sure I either pack a snack bar or a piece of fruit so I’m not working out on an empty stomach. I’m weird about grabbing breakfast just out of bed.
3. Loyalty programs. Join all the loyalty programs that you can. Even if you don’t stay loyal to one brand, you will still get flash email deals on different properties. I am a big fan of SPG and IHG brands but I’ve also signed up for Hilton and Marriot rewards because you never know what hotel will have a great sale on the weekend you want to travel.
Also, consider opening up a separate email account because with the all loyalty programs comes a lot of emails. Since you have another email you might as well sign up for Groupon and other flash travel websites.
4. Be social. Be friends with the places you are going to stay on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. When you get to their property, make sure you’re mentioning them in your social media, doing so could result in a care package from the social media team, a voucher of some sort or priority handling on your reservation. You never know if you don’t try!
5. Take a business card. If you’re anything like me you leave your hotel, you go somewhere and can’t figure out exactly where your hotel is. Thanks to modern day technology like GPS on phones, it’s almost impossible to get lost – until technology fails you. Pick up a business card, match book or a pen at the hotel that has the address marked on it, this way when your drain your phone battery and need to have an address to show the cab driver you’re all set.
These are just a few more hotel tips I’ve learned through my past couple of hotel stays. Do you have any must-do hotel tips in your travel arsenal?
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